After our rough start this morning, Amanda decided enough is enough. With the IV properly in place, she rested up, let her Popeye arm start to shrink back down, and got herself ready for a restart.
At dinner she ate 1/4 cup of the tortilla soup, a few spoonfuls of pudding, and several gulps of water. The appetite is slowly coming back, but anything she eats gives her a little more energy to get up and walk. After the feast, it was time to rest again - kind of like football after Thanksgiving.
After sleeping for a good 3 hours, it was time for another bathroom shuffle, and then walking in the hall. Mandy's whole right side doesn't work quite as well as it used to right now, and when she walks, there is a heavy lean to the right. If someone isn't on the right side, she would walk right into the ground within two or three steps. She's still working on the new balance routine, but this is all part of the drill.
When we got to the end of the hall, Amanda decided to hang a left instead of stop and sit in her usual chair to the right. With the IV tower in tow, we did an entire half lap around the floor! Right next to the nurses station, she let out a belch that rattled the windows. That's my girl! She was going to finish that half lap with or without the tortilla soup (happy to announce it was with).
Once we reached the room, Mandy sat in a chair to rest for a few minutes, and then backed into bed for the night. Her speech is still slurred, and her smile is still crooked for now, but what a gritty girl. I couldn't be happier with the progress she made today. I can see that God hasn't removed the trial, but today, He gave Mandy the strength to bear it and make it through. A true tender mercy for us today.
Thank you for the service, thoughts, notes and flowers - all small miracles performed in perfect timing by earthly angels. Matthew 25:
40 - And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done
it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done
it unto me.