Saturday, April 13, 2013


Today, Teri Anne, and I (mainly Teri) washed Amanda's hair to get out the blood and goop from surgery. We had to be careful not to get the incision wet, so we set up a garbage can on a chair next to Amanda's chair, and she leaned to her left so Teri could pour water over her hair and let it run into the can. I was on water and cleanup duty while Teri washed, conditioned and braided Mandy's hair. There was a lot of stuff in there, so I was glad Teri was here to wash it all out.

 Amanda, Teri Anne, and I did 2 laps earlier today, and Mandy has been able to steadily eat a little more each day. As a result, we're heading home from the hospital tomorrow, April 14. We're anxious to get back home, but Mandy realizes she still has a long road ahead of her.

Sometimes it feels overwhelming, but I suppose we take it a day at a time. We try to set plans for today and let tomorrow take care of itself. That's so much easier to say than do, but we're working at it.

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