Monday, April 8, 2013

April 8 - 8 am - Admitted

We arrived at the hospital at 5:30 am this morning. Amanda was nervous and a little apprehensive, but she was positive as she always is. It was a lot of hurry up and wait while Mandy filled forms and cups, changed into the stylish hospital garb, gave blood, and got an IV started. She decided that contractions from child birth distract you from the discomfort of an IV, because this time she felt it more than in the past. It's still a little hard for her to accept that she goes in with great hearing and will come out deaf in one ear. If anyone will come through this with grace and humor, though, it's Amanda. We parted ways before the head shaving, so no pictures yet. We'll see how much they take off. It's supposed to be only a few inches around the back of the ear. I wish I were still in there with her but they would have to pick me up off the floor once surgery starts so my place is in the waiting room as she goes through the 6-8 hour procedure. I'll update as I get word from the surgeons.

1 comment:

  1. Fascinating cross section of people in the waiting room. Seeing people at their max-stress level creates a unique environment - some chatty, some laughing, some surly, some snoring. I wonder how others would characterize me in this situation? Maybe I'll ask Cathi - then again, maybe not. I think ignorance may be bliss for me right now.
