Thursday, April 11, 2013

Groundhog Day

Today sort of blended in with yesterday. Amanda continues to work at walking and eating, but its going to take time. We're learning to identify small accomplishments, like sitting up in a chair to eat dinner or getting to the bathroom with just one person helping. It's a bit of a realignment toward the immediate reality. We both talked about recovery being "hard", we just couldn't identify what "hard" meant - and I suppose there is no way to know until you pass through.

Amanda is able to eat a little more. She ate the whole cup of potato soup and polished off most of an oatmeal raisin cookie for dinner. She was able to sit and converse with Terri Anne for a good 20 minutes during dinner, which I think was very therapeutic for her.

We hoped walking would come easier today, but it didn't. Amanda's balance is a little better but she still gets nauseous and wears out quickly. I think we're supposed to go home from the hospital tomorrow; I just don't see how its possible. We'll tackle tomorrow when it comes.


  1. Hang in there! You just need time - and that's the hard part about it. The kids are being so good. They miss their mommy, though. When you come home they want to come visit if that's alright.

  2. Mandy

    Cute photos -- you look the way I did after surgery -- we would look like twins. Except I looked more like a pirate that you do because I wore a patch over my eye. Do you still have eyelid control? Did you lose your hearing in your right ear? Has your pain subsided? How is your balance?

    Don't worry, you will look like your ole self in a few months.

    That cute girl with you looks just like my clarinet from decades ago -- give her a hug for me.

    David Mangum
